Many people feel like they need to step away from the hobbies and past times they enjoyed as a child and teenager once they reach adulthood. They are afraid they won’t have the time or energy to fit these old passions into their lives. If you were an avid soccer player in your youth, the good news is, you can keep this sport an important part of your life. If you take these few careful steps, you can continue to play soccer for years and years to come.

Maintain Your Health

Chances are, as a young soccer player, you had boundless energy and could do things on the soccer field that you could only dream about now. If you did happen to get injured, those ailments healed quickly. These blessings of youth are often taken for granted, but as you age, you may notice you have to take better care of your body to perform on the field. A few tweaks to your routine well ensure you can continue to play the sport you love so much.

Make sure you consume a balanced diet of whole grains, lots of fresh produce and lean protein. Make hydration a priority and consume at least 64 ounces a day, more if you’ve had a strenuous workout. Take the time to stretch before you play to avoid injuries. If you find yourself lacking the energy that you once had to run for days, consider taking an energy supplement. The Le-vel Thrive program is a regimen proven to increase your energy and health. The thrive reviews speak for themselves.

Prioritize Your Time

One of the hard truths about adulthood versus childhood is that you have much less time for passions and hobbies. Work, school and family obligations all pull you in different directions and finding the time to play soccer may feel impossible, but studies show that making time for leisure and hobbies is essential for your mental health. Avoid grown-up burnout and prioritize your time so that you can play soccer, even if it isn’t as often as you did as a youth. Write your appointment to play in your planner and work hard to keep that date, just as you would work hard not to let other important scheduled events fall by the wayside.  

Seek Out Other Soccer Buffs

People tend to participate in the activities that their closest friends participate in. If you’re struggling to make soccer happen in adulthood, seek out a community of other soccer players to add to your friend list. Search out soccer communities on social media. Conversations will trend toward soccer and leisure time together and will likely lead to pick-up games. Shared interests are a fantastic basis for new friendships.

Find an Adult Soccer League 

Soccer leagues for children and youth are a dime a dozen, but unless you are playing collegiately or professionally, it can be a bit more difficult to find a league to play with. Do your homework and research opportunities for adults to play together. Your city recreation department may have a program for adults still interested in pursuing this passion. Contact the soccer arena in your area to see if they support a local league. If you have trouble finding an existing league, you could take it upon yourself to gather other soccer buffs together to play on a regular schedule.

Stay Realistic

The important thing about transitioning from playing soccer as a youth to playing soccer as an adult is to stay realistic. You might not have the body, the time or the resources to play soccer all day, every day like you did when you were a kid. Adjust your expectations to fit your new priorities and lifestyle. If soccer remains a passion for you, invest the time and the energy into making it a priority and you will find a way to make it an important part of your life.


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I am a freelance writer and expert in health and beauty. When I'm not writing I can usually be found reading a good book!