With the Home jersey stirring echoes of the Pirate history of old, the yellow shirt reeked of class with a whiff of royalty.
The uniform chest mainly yellow with navy blue sleeves and short really pops when you see it. The Pirate logo sits squarely on the left of the chest, the Admiral logo on the right. The addition of the all important NPSL logo on the left arm adds a certain look of importance to the shirt and sets it a class above many of the Pirates rivals.
The away jersey is strikingly similar to the home shirt, only white in place of the yellow chest, cuffs and socks.
The highlight of the shirt appearance is obviously the shirt itself but added inclusion of the Pirate Girls being on show in slightly altered shirts, was a perfect foil for the night.
Coach Keyes said:”It couldn’t have gone any smoother. Dorian from Azteca 51 was great, the Holiday Inn guys were great and the shirts look superb. I wish we could do this every night!”
“The new uniforms lift us to another level of soccer, they really do and this proves our intent as we move forward to this summers NPSL season.”
After the press conference finished, all the guests moved into B.Jiggers for a night of merriment and also to reflect on the previous events.
“I am overjoyed at how the night panned out” said Keyes, “This proves how far we have came as a club and gives us a great platform to move forward as a club. With the guests we had here tonight, everyone will soon know that the Pirates are Galvestons ONLY Professional Sports Team.”
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