One of the biggest mistakes is to underestimate the diet needs of soccer players. According to Arsene Wenger, Arsenal manager, food is like gas. Those who use the wrong gas in their car, then it will not use its full potential. Even though the players are also required to use reliable enhancement gear like Anavar (Oxandrolone) and take their exercises seriously, diet plays a great role in determining the overall performance of the players both in the field or outside. With the best diet tips, soccer players stand a chance to increase their strength, power, and performance. Below are the popular diet and nutrition tips for soccer players.

Understand the crucial nutrients to eat

Eating a healthy diet is an emphasis that cuts across the board for all people. When it comes to soccer players, their coaches, and nutritionist are keen on what they eat. Here are the crucial nutrients to eat:
Carbohydrates – Both simple and complex carbs are crucial to providing energy. They come from rice, pasta, bread, cereals, and potatoes, just to mention but a few.
Proteins – the need to grow and maintain muscle cell demands more proteins on their diets. These foods also provide energy but do so at a lower rate than carbs. They include meat, legumes, and animal products.
Vitamins and minerals – Most body operations like immunity and metabolism work through various vitamins and minerals. They come from vegetables, dairy products, and fruits.
Water – Water keeps the body hydrated and promotes various activities like digestion and metabolism. Water comes from pure water, fruit juices, soups, beverages, and foods.

What to eat prior to the match

The greatest work of a soccer player’s nutritionist is to plan the soccer player’s diet depending on the activities ahead. When eating before a match, carbs are more important than proteins. The players need more energy to play for 90 minutes or more. The downside of increasing proteins at this time is that they take more time to digest.
Carbs like rice and pasta increase the glucose in the blood for the necessary energy the body needs. Vegetables are also crucial to regulate various activities like metabolism. According to a Frenchman coach, protein consumption should be minimal, especially those from meat. However, fish is a good option especially when the meal is taken two to three hours before the match.

Eating after the match

The diet and timing of meals that players are exposed to after the match is equally crucial. Various nutritionists will advise that players must eat 30 minutes to one hour after the match. This allows the body to rest and recover from fatigue. Basically, the meal consists of proteins and carbs. More proteins will further increase the recovery process of the muscle cells. If the player has an exercise schedule for the following day, then more proteins in the subsequent meals will prepare the body for the exercise.

What to drink

Water is paramount for soccer players, before and after the match. Further training sessions will require more water to keep the body hydrated at all times. Soccer players also drink a diluted electrolyte solution to balance the minerals and other nutrients in the body.

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