“Danger Makes Legend” is a map based game which is played online through social networks and puts users ‘fast’ skills to the test. The game celebrates the UEFA Champions League tournament where users have the choice to choose between twelve European Champions League cities, including London, Madrid, Milan and Barcelona to start building their legend.
The idea is to lay down a territorial challenge to other players online, by selecting your favorite soccer moves. The game merges video game with real life experience as real territory is conquered through a map-system similar to Google Maps.
Players join the game to challenge each other in one-on-one combat to prove who has the ‘fast’ skills needed to rule each city. The offensive player selects three offensive moves and the defender responds with three defensive moves. All moves are played out in video. Whoever wins, claims the other player’s territory.
The game hooks into Facebook connect and allows you to challenge your friends – and foes – online. Your progress is charted and your trophies and badges won in battle are displayed through the social feed and user wall on Facebook, spreading the game out online to recruit new players.
Link to Game – http://www.adidas.com/dangermakeslegend
YouTube Video Link – http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=btYoCQ8AWz8